Benefits of Air Purifiers in Home
Air purity in the home is something that’s become increasingly important since the beginning of the year with COVID-19. A good model can help guard against bacteria and other common air pollutants – dust, allergens, and dog dander are the most common reason people end up buying an air purifier today.
Today’s models have come down in price significantly vs. 2-3 years ago. You can buy a good HEPA air purifier for as little as $60-80 online – and they’re much higher quality filters than years prior.
In this article we’ll review some of the basic info when it comes to air purifiers and filters.
Common Indoor Pollutants
The problem with indoor air pollution is that sources are both common and varied. Allergy sufferers can react strongly to pets, dust, dust mites, mold, pollen, or many other things. Asthmatics may be triggered by many different things, though tobacco smoke is particularly harmful for them. Other respiratory issues may be caused by chemicals in cleaning products.
FYI: VOCs are of particular concern – these are commonly found in paints, carpets, and disinfectants.
They can put off very small amounts of fumes for long periods of time, which may cause symptoms like throat irritation, headaches, or nausea. Formaldehyde – another chemical that emits gas for long periods of time – is found in carpets and furniture adhesive. There are all types of sources, many of them invisible or odorless.
What Do Air Purifiers Do?
People are always looking for ways to clean and freshen the air inside of their homes and the most efficient way to do it is by using an air purifier. Air purifiers are devices that remove air contaminants in a room or throughout the whole home by filtering out second-hand tobacco smoke, dust, pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and other allergy triggering particles.
Allergies are significantly reduced when you use a good air purifier and it benefits your health by removing compounds that can cause disease. There are air purifiers available on the market with advanced technology that captures and eradicate nearly 99.97% of bacteria, viruses and harmful particles. Air purifiers also reduce the accumulation of airborne impurities that cause unpleasant odor, providing you with clean and fresh air.
If you own a pet and notice your allergies or asthma triggering, then you can find immediate relief by using an air purifier. Pet dander and dust are serious allergens that cause itchy eyes, sore or scratchy throats, sneezing, and other common symptoms. Your pet can also carry pollen inside the house during high pollen season, so it’s vital to learn about the best air purifiers on the market so that you can relieve yourself from any allergic reaction during allergy season.
Air purifiers are safe devices that must meet certain requirements before being sold on the market. The air purifiers that I review and suggest here are made of quality materials with long-lasting replacement parts, and don’t create harmful ozone. Everything I review is safe for home use, purifies the air safely, and will filter out the contaminants floating in the air of your home or office.
HEPA Air Purifiers
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are the most effective at removing airborne irritants.
A HEPA air purifier is certified to remove 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns and above. This means that to be a HEPA-certified filter, only 3 out of every 10,000 particles may escape back into the air. HEPA filters are recommended by the government because they have the most rigorous standards for filtration. Allergy sufferers may find them especially helpful.
Activated Carbon Filters
Carbon, when treated with oxygen, is said to be “activated;” millions of pores open up on the carbon molecule, creating a vast surface area. Odors, gases, and toxic chemicals get caught in these pores and bond to the surface. The more activated carbon in the filter, the more gases and odors can be trapped.
Air Purifiers & Health
One of the primary reasons many people invest in a HEPA air purifier is for the allergy relief that they promote. People who suffer from allergies are particularly sensitive to common airborne pollutants, which can exacerbate their condition and make them downright miserable.
An air purifier, though, can remove the majority of those problems, helping allergy sufferers breathe more easily. In this way, a home can become an allergy sufferer’s sanctuary from the daily barrage of coughing, hacking and wheezing that they have to contend with.
Air purifiers filter out many of the airborne pollutants that can cause health problems. Air purifiers remove airborne triggers and can help bring relief to asthma and allergy sufferers. They can help provide allergy relief, too; air purifiers filter out pollen and pet dander, among other allergens. Some air purifiers can remove VOCs and tobacco smoke, both of which are carcinogenic. Some even help prevent diseases by filtering out viruses and bacteria,
If you want to see which air purifiers we recommend, you can view our list of the best air purifiers.